Category Archives: Church Leadership

Leading with your life purpose

“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth ” Genesis (1: 26 NIV)

We realize that God the Creator is the leader of all life, over all humans on earth. If we look at the creation of man in Genesis it becomes clear that each of us have a calling, a purpose to lead with some skill that God has gifted us with.

The Lord calls every believer to lead others or use our giftedness in some way. The way he arranged His creation indicates that every man and woman needs to find his or her purpose to find significance building their life around a centre of influence about that gift. If you have the gift of teaching, you will gravitate towards the area of interest which will define the subject that you can teach well.

In His love, He has called us to participate and to lead others or apply specific skills developed to the highest potential use, in various capacities as we follow Him.

He chose to create human beings who possess spirits with a capacity to relate to Him and follow Him, yet who are not forced to do so.  John Maxwell

We see in Genesis that God made it very clear from the beginning of His creation when He commanded man to take or  “have dominion” (Genesis 1: 28) over creation — over the administration of its assets.

John Maxwell, the great Pastor/Leadership teacher, notes: “The call to leadership is a consistent pattern in the Bible.”

He called out one leader — Abraham to be the father-leader of a nation for His own. He didn’t call out thousands to do this job. He selected one man with a giftedness to hear His directives when presented to him — Abraham was called to move to Canaan as God began to lead him.

Abraham called out

He directed one leader Moses to deliver His people out of Egypt — He didn’t guide them through a thousand singular men. As they readied to enter the Promised Land, again they followed one man—Joshua. This directorial leading of leaders carries on throughout the Bible with many examples such as Joseph, Samuel, David, Gideon, and the apostles Peter, John and Paul.

Every time God desires to do something great, He calls a leader to step forward which He still does for every work—both large and small. This is particularly true of spreading the gospel as it goes out to the whole world. There are roles for everyone according to how He has gifted us.

One of the most important things to do in life is to seek the Lord asking for Him to lead you as you lead with your life purpose building your life around helping others progress. “How can I use the primary giftedness God has given me to bless others as I seek to do His will?