Category Archives: Parenting

Learning from the faith of children

“And they were bringing even their babies to Him so that He would touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they began rebuking them. But Jesus called for them, saying, ‘Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.’” (Lk 18.15-17)1

The acceptance Jesus offers to children promotes their simple potential faith in Him. Recall a child hanging on its mother’s hand. Ask, “Do I turn to Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father like that?”

A child trusts its parents, knowing a calm nearness and unity of engagement. Unlike most adults, a child’s mind is fully at peace in the moment when a loving mother or father engages with their child.

There are no stresses and fears entering the mind of a child because most young children are not worrying about their future. Nor are their memories of past regrets or harboured bitterness in the mind of a child, as most are not culpable of racking up traumatic memories of harm to or by others. Children are not generally focusing on the past, again free to experience the moment of parental unity.

I am hoping to be more like a child when I come into the moment with our Lord, to experience His presence with His Father, both who desire to dwell with us ongoingly. I know that only when my mind is practising the presence of God can His Spirit’s love, compassion, and kindness flow through me to those I connect with.

They will see Christ in us, and together with Him, we will make a difference in the lives of others that can impact their lives for eternity.

All stresses and fears enter our mind when we are thinking about the future. All regrets and bitterness come into our mind when you are focusing on the past.2 Mindfulness is lost and our faith life while living in Christ in the moment is distracted and lost in time. (see Mat 6:34)

Take a moment and think about how beautiful it is to see a child walking by the side of a parent with a small hand stretched up as high as it can go so his or her fragile fingers can lock onto the hand of Mom or Dad. The child’s feet scurry to keep up with the parent’s gait. In that scene is a picture of you, a child of God.

We are to metaphorically place our hands in his and walk with him at our side, letting him direct our steps. The humility, trust, and dependence of a child teach us to seek the face of our heavenly Father and stay close to him as we walk with him.3

1 New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. (1995). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
2 Scott, Steven K. (2015-12-15). Jesus Speaks: 365 Days of Guidance and Encouragement, Straight from the Words of Christ (p. 1). The Crown Publishing Group.
3 Life Application New Testament Commentary, Luke, Darrel L. Bock