Christ versus the Dark Side of Globalization

Human nature will prevail against man’s humanistic drive

Nations seem to be working hard to use the element of surprise in international relations in a competitive manner. What is going on during  ongoing extensive globalization? Divergence trumps convergence of unity. Just watching the power plays of Russia versus the USA, ISIS terrorization of Christians and non-conforming Arabs, Iran versus Israel and China claiming islands in the South China Sea.

Divisional fragmentation, rather than tolerance of differences, is creating a world of fracturing capital, power and ideas. The weaponization of everything: Globalization’s dark side. Reuters

Jesus told of a coming time before His Second Advent when there will be anguish, perplexity of nations, terror, and the world becoming apprehensive of their future: “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time, they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:25-28 NIV)


The infrastructure of the societal enabler of globalization — finance, technology, energy, law, education, science, trade and travel — have all been turned into weapons in a new form of warfare in this so-called humanitarian ideal — the global village. These forces are being morphed into divisive weapons against the unification of peoples. Collectively mankind has gone crazy.

The minds of fallen mankind are as Jeremiah put it “deceitful” beyond comprehension, while trying to join their many cultures, religions, political contingencies, ideologies whilst jockeying for power with intrigue. The inner deceits of mankind ramped up to a political, nationalistic, politically dogmatic pitch, now to the highest frenzy where motives are masked and hidden, where transparency of brotherhood cannot prevail. Globalization is the foundation of a collective humanity which is in fact, delusional: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jer. 17:9 NIV)

Here is the proof that we’re in trouble:
1. Technology has brought cyber-hacking warfare. Personal data of roughly 22.1 million government employees, as well as their families and friends, has been exposed in the USA as well as top corporate secrets, and financial theft is rampant, from use of your credit card, your desktop computer or mobile phone.
2. Finance has been infiltrated by thieves through global payment systems, stock market brokerage trading houses using rapid flash trading, and national manipulation of currencies for ascendancy in commerce.
3. The Internet has been weaponized for a) marketing the wealthiest companies who pay Google for rankings, while the smaller businesses get pushed down the pike and metaphorically kicked off the village streets, b) pornography is now being offered freely Googled into the computers, served up to unprotected children and adolescents at an unprecedented rate. Surveys indicate that “14% of 9- to 16-year-olds had seen porn during the previous year…and that survey also predated smartphones and iPads, which have made porn much easier to access, with the explosive increase in free material”.  The Economist | Pornography (1)
4. Religion has been mobilized by political church leaders espousing how to fix the world behind a historic facade of political global power that began pre-Reformation after Christ and the apostles, with little mention of the salvation of souls or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to unify men in love.
5. Trade and has rigged through trade agreements that make it easy to source cheap labour and products globally while jobs are killed off by the millions at home.
6. Law has been weaponized through the empowerment of top justices to remake the laws of the land, who bow to the proud claims of group minority rights such as same-sex marriage.
7. Energy has been weaponized through pipeline alliances and the use of oil production as strategic tools such as fracking, and atrocities such as corporations being given huge tax breaks and free land where they have been ripping huge holes in Northern Alberta’s oil sands and polluting the environment for years.
8. Mining has been plundered by wealthy corporations, who came, saw, and conquered virgin lands — corporations rape natural resources, deforesting huge acreages, then leave gaping polluted craters worldwide such as surrounding the Sudbury, Ontario nickel mining region.
9. Regurgitated media without a moral compass abounds. Social communication and networking has been bastardized, with a barrage of dumbed-down superficial quotes and media in FaceBook to the degree you cannot find your children on FB without scrolling 3 yards down, while tempted to “like” what annoys the intellectual mind, to businesses networking vicariously online using LinkedIn — a game of social roulette — rather than just picking up the phone.
10. Privacy has been destroyed, as government airplanes (in the USA as revealed by Edward Snowden) hover over cities monitoring mobile chats and texts by creating government cell towers in transit, while the largest mobile companies offer up all communication paths for security’s sake —  Big Brother is — watching —  listening.

The scriptures indicate that two-thirds of the world will not repent prior to the Lord’s return in the clouds with power and great glory: “By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed….” whereas “the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues… did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts”. (Rev. 9:18, 20 ESV) The evils noted are, murder, sorceries (witchcraft, tarot cards, fortune telling, mediums etc.) and sexual immorality (pornography, adultery, rape, homosexuality, lesbianism), and theft (on a global scale).

It also depicts a time when commerce will be blocked by a Big Brother force of evil control over world markets: “no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name”. (Rev. 3:17 NIV)

The velocity and impact of weaponizing today’s tools of global integration create an age of unprecedented interdependence with anyone anytime. It makes the oppressed youth rise up as they did in the Arab Spring, and assists collaborations with “entitled” refugees, most of whom are young men. We see an asymmetry of power. Strengths are becoming weaknesses and weaknesses strengths. For example, dependency on the Internet allows rogue cyberattacks. Wealthy and powerful institutions of immense power now can be brought low by rogue hackers thousands of miles away.

The vulnerability of everyone’s retirement assets everywhere may be at risk. Not only are fewer pension funds for retirement except in the fields of health care, education, and government. Stock exchanges can be distorted by trading glitches and sudden unexplained activity spikes. Investors can no longer have full confidence in the sources or uses of their capital. When elite global brokerages use trading software compete with the individual day trader via the sophisticated algorithms of flash trading a critical foundation of trade and commerce is rendered impotent.

Tomorrow, climate, space, genomics and pharmacy may be weaponized against us. The weaponization of everything: Globalization’s dark side. Reuters

Think of globalization as the new Trojan horse for the greatest enemies of peace that Satan is deploying.

On the religious side of globalization

Many are far more interested in enlarging their business horizons or securing personal wealth, than spreading the gospel which is a command of Jesus Christ for Christians.

Islam is on a rapid march as they take hold of globalization for the purpose of worldwide mass indoctrination. It is estimated that due to Islam’s population rising while other adults have fewer children, they will be the major population demographic in the world. Most of the world does not know about the only way to salvation as informed by the apostles: “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12 NLT)