Is belief enough to get you through life?

“Teach me good judgement and knowledge for I believe in your commandments” Psalm 119:66 ESV 

It is one thing to believe – even the devils believe! (James 2:19) Indeed it is far more unusual to adhere obediently to Scripture than just to think belief is sufficient evidence of faith. 

It is yet another to deeply discern and determine good judgement among diverse situations and subjects both theologically and in practical parameters of personal relationship. 

Further, it is yet a leadership blessing to possess organizational knowledge and intuit the right business and personal paths in any or all realms. Daniel and Joseph were such men of clear judgement and fast decision-making capacity precisely because they were led by the Spirit while facing crises. 

Such guidance by the Lord’s Spirit was due to the entire submission of mind, body, and soul to be open and expectantly listen for leadership council from Yahweh’s Spirit. Thus they magnified and glorified Yahweh among the ungodly. 

God prepares true leaders long ahead of the circumstances to achieve good results for his elect in a fallen self-centred world. 

How do you want to live? Anyone can observe the lives of the heroes of faith. Their prophetic written words historically prove that they were true prophets of old from whom we can learn. The Bible has ample evidence for Christians to praise and glorify the Lord when reading the book of Daniel or the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis.

And let us not forget the greatest source of biblical guidance: the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for they demonstrate faithful obedience to God’s love for others in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ relating to men and women like you and me.