The choice of Two Paths

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke to the people, He said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (NIV)

Two Paths of your eternal soul 

There are two paths—the path of darkness and the path of LIGHT.

You get to choose your path.

The path of darkness leads to eternal destruction.

The path of LIGHT leads to eternal life.

You are on the path of darkness; unless you choose the path of LIGHT.

To choose the path of LIGHT, you need to: 

A: Accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

B: Believe in Him and acknowledge that He was born of a virgin, died and rose again.

C: Confess your sins, and you will find forgiveness. 

Remember you are not ‘perfect until you get to heaven’ so that any future sins or mistakes can be confessed and removed as you ask forgiveness in Jesus name.1

D: Do God’s will and talk and learn about: Jesus, God the Son; God the Father; and God the Holy Spirit and share the choice of two paths. Allow the Holy Spirit to uncover where you need healing and deliverance from any brokenness in your past. This will allow God to prepare you for using the gifts and talents He gave you. Be obedient. Firstly, the great quest is to love God with all your strength, mind, and heart. Stay pure until marriage. Love your neighbour as yourself. 2 Continue to pray and ask the Holy Spirit’s power to live for Christ.

1 Georgette Engel 

2 Georgette Engel and Catherine Jackman

Author: Catherine Jackman